Paz Errázuriz
The photographs from which “Heart attack of the soul” is made are not strictly speaking representations of madness, but rather the place where illness ceases to be a raw material ready to be looked at, as the blind eye of Charcot the poses of hysterics to bring down on them the scalpel of his medical knowledge.
Not a raw material to be looked at, but the point at which the camera can only bear witness to the encounter with an unprecedented body –every body is– that requests an incipient, minimal, modest aesthetic thickness that we will call reading here. In this, Errázuriz is more like a psychoanalyst than a social photographer, because she knows that if the body is sick, it is meaningless, and that reading it means dissolving its clichés and opening up to the unexpected.

Read, don’t watch. Reading to crack the parapets embedded in the gaze. That is perhaps why every time Paz Errázuriz is asked about her work procedures, the first thing she mentions is the word reading. Reading is not seeing, or at least it is a way of seeing that does not bend to the demand for clarity and unveiling.

About the Author:
Paz Errázuriz, a Chilean professional photographer, also works as a teacher. She has had numerous individual and group exhibitions inside and outside the country since 1981.
Her photographs are in collections such as DAROS, Switzerland, Tate Gallery, London, Reina Sofía Museum, Madrid, Spain, MoMA NY, USA, Guggenheim Museum, MOCA, National Museum of Fine Arts, Chile and private collections. She is a founding member of the AFI -Association of Independent Photographers-, jury in the Casa de las Américas Prize, Havana, Cuba and in the Fondart. She has received the Altazor Prize and the Artistic Career Award from the Circle of Critics in 2005, and the Guggenheim, Fulbright and Fondart scholarships. Her latest publication is “Señales” with Niki Raveau. She has previously published “The Adam’s Apple” in 1990, “Agenda Cochrane” 1994, “El Infarto del Alma” 1995 and “Paz Errázuriz. Photography 1982- 2002” Ed. Origo 2004. “Amalia”, Edit. Lord Cochrane 1973, “Kawesqar, children of the Sun woman”, LOM in 2007, reissued in 2019 and in 2014 reissued “La Manzana de Adan” with the AMA Foundation. Paz Errázuriz Ed. D-21 2015. In 2014 she received the Pablo Neruda Order of Merit award. In 2015 she represented Chile together with Lotty Rosenfeld at the Venice Biennale. That year she won the PhotoEspaña award and in 2017 she received the National Art Award, Santiago, Chile.
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