Ethiopia: the invisible war
by Erberto Zani
It’s an invisible war, except for those who fight it and suffer it. A war that not makes news, so difficult to tell that for many is not even worth trying.
Propaganda, fake news, blocking visas for journalists: this is a conflict that is not to be seen, where atrocious violence is carried out daily against the civilian population.
A year after the outbreak of war in the Tigray region, strongly desired by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali, Nobel Peace Prize winner in 2019, there are no signs of reducing violence in Ethiopia. A war that moves slowly but relentlessly, characterized by ambushes of the TPLF (Tigray People Liberation Front, of government troops who flee in the night and rage against everyone, of rape as a weapon of war.

Talking about “the war in Tigray” is now a mistake, in fact it is also fought in the regions of Amhara, Afar and soon it will reach the Oromo, where the capital Addis Ababa is located. Thousands of violence against women and children, almost one million displaced people trying to survive in refugee camps.

The reportage “The invisible war” focuses mainly on helpless people, on the run, who have lost everything, except hunger, despair and the looks that hide deep scars. The civil war in Ethiopia is continuing and almost one million people are displaced from their homes.
About the Author
Erberto Zani (Italy, 1978) is a documentary photographer and journalist. During these years he realized many reportage like the devastation in Haiti after the earthquake, the water crises in Sahel region, the life of workers inside the ship breaking yards in Bangladesh, the exodus of Rohingya’s people, the refugee camps in Lebanon, Greece and Uganda.
He is also working on long term documentary projects: first, Dark World, is about illegally extractions of minerals, the second one, Survivors, is about acid attack survivors around the world.
Among the various magazines and television networks, he published his photographs and reportages on Der Spiegel, The Guardian, L’Espresso, RAI Tg3 Mondo, The Times.
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